Sunday, December 19, 2010

Some Day after Day 3

It is funny. I have a strange sense of privacy. Ask me what color underwear I am wearing and I will tell you. I don't care if you know. What does it matter. If you need to know that bad to make your day go easier, glad I can help.

My relationships on the other hand. I have always kept those problems private. That is why I am surprised I am putting it out there now. Maybe just journaling it helps. It hasn't yet. Maybe I am just putting it out there to let the world know. My life sucks just this moment.

Christmas has always been my least favorite holiday. The stress, the obligations, the drama of it all. He says he is coming home for Christmas, I know I should look at this as an opportunity to talk. But all I can wonder is it me he is coming home for or the holiday?

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Day 3

My husband left for home 3 days ago. I realize you have no idea what I am talking about. Well, I moved home (my hometown) about 5 months ago to help my elderly mother. I not only take care of her, I also help run her business. It is hard work, we work outside and we are on call 24/7. My hubby seems not to be able to handle it. He moved back to our home in another state. He says I have changed and do not spend enough time with him. I say I have more responsibilities now and I am trying to manage my time. What will happen? Will we stay together? Will we not? Am I losing my marriage by trying to help my family? Should you have to choose?

Saturday, January 10, 2009

My very first time..

Okay, so I am blogging. Is that the right term? I am such a virgin to all of this. It doesn't hurt so far. I may change my mind later. That could happen you know. Now that I have a blog what am I going to say? Maybe I should have thought this through a little more. Here I have jumped right in without knowing where to go. What is that saying? Baptism by fire? I am burning here.

Maybe I will think of something later. Something interesting and inspired. Or not. Maybe I will just ramble. Which is kinda what I am doing now. Have patience with me. Practice makes perfect. Or does it just make you suck really well?